Don't Fuss Call...RUSS!!


Click here for our list of Do’s and Don’ts for septic system maintenance.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q.  My tank is a 1000 gallon tank how could you pump out any more than 1000 gallons?

A. If your leaching fields are full and not processing the way they should be once the tank is pumped down it allows more water/sewage to flow back into the tank adding to the additional gallons pumped which could be anything from a couple 100 gallons to more than a 1000 gallons extra.


Q. What are “risers” and why do I need them?

A. Risers are “extension pipes” placed over the access cover(s) of septic tanks. As of January 1, 2000 all existing septic tanks deeper than 12″ must have at least one riser installed. The CT Public Health Code requires the installation of Risers for quick and easy access to the tank.


Q. How often should I pump my septic tank?

A. Generally, every 2 or 3 years. Tank size, water consumption, garbage disposal and products used in the home can greatly influence how often it should be done.


Q. Was my septic system full?

A. Your septic system will always look “full”–this is how it is designed to work. It is at working level when it’s just at the pipe. If it’s over the pipe, then it’s overfull and should be pumped before you have problems.


Q. Should I be adding anything to my septic system?

A. No, the bacterial function of your septic system is all natural. The only thing that should go down your drains would be toilet paper and wastewater. Grease, oil, fats and baby wipes should be thrown in the trash. Household disinfectants, cleaners, bleach and antibacterial products should be used sparingly.

Q. Is there really a Russ?

A. Yes, 3 to be exact.  

1st Generation – Russell L. Neher      2nd Generation – Russell Neher Sr.     3rd Generation – Russell Neher Jr.


Q. Where do we get our Carnations from?
