When you need a residential or commercial septic tank cleaned, you want a company that fuses reliability with experience and expertise. Russ’s Septic Service is just such a company. We’ve been providing high-quality service since 1959, and that’s a hard-to-beat track record of achievement. Whenever you need your septic tank cleaned, don’t fuss, call Russ’s Septic Service.
A regular system pump can typically be scheduled within a couple business days, while larger projects require more dedicated appointment setting. Scheduling service always depends on how busy we are at that time; get in touch with us today to set up an appointment.
Safety Net

Connecticut Public Health Code now requires a safety device “If a riser cover weighs less than 59 pounds then the tank cover shall remain or a secondary safety lid or device shall be provided.” Although it states less than 59 pound it is something you may want to consider even if your cover weighs more,
As of July 1, 2000, all newly installed septic tanks shall have an effluent filter placed at the outlet. The purpose of the filter is to trap suspended solids that are not heavy enough or have not had enough time to sink to the bottom of the tank. This occurs frequently when a tank
Tank Extensions/Covers

A tank extension or “riser” makes direct access to your system efficient. Once an extension is installed, regular pumping schedules do not disrupt your landscape by extensive digging to locate the tank. We also have Covers if one is needed. ” Since January 1st of 2000, language in the Technical Standards requires that
Tank Baffles

There are two baffles in a septic tank, the first is an Inlet baffle, which is designed to slow down the flow of sewerage coming into the septic tank and allows proper settling of fluids. The second is an Outlet baffle, which is designed to contain solids and active matter in the septic tank and
454 Waste Water

We hold the proper permits to transport and dispose of 454 Waste Water, Call us today for a quote.
Frozen pipes, clogged pipes or just want the lines cleaned of debris? Don’t Fuss Call Russ we will get you back up and running again.

Want to include a camera with your inspection,or maybe you would like to know if you have roots growing through your septic lines, whatever the case maybe we have that option for you.

Three generations of septic knowledge passed down over the years, that’s over 58 years of looking at Septic systems and field knowledge. We’ll let you know the status of your septic system and give our recommendations for any maintenance or repairs needed. You will have a copy of your Inspection report, any photos and/or property
Septic Cleaning

Regular maintenance of a septic system includes – Pumping the septic tank and inspection of the tank and components which includes inlet and outlet baffles and a visual inspection of your leaching fields. We will also clean the Filter if your tank is equipped with one. We recommend that the septic tank be pumped